Pregnancy and Dental Care


If a new bundle of joy is about to join your family, we want to extend a congratulation to you. You are already excited as the arrival approaches and you already want the best for your baby. From protecting your baby to falling in love with him or her, you have a lot on your mind. If you have thought about your dental care, that is a big deal. Not only are you already scattered brained with all of the plans you have to make and appointments to keep, but you remembered about this important care.

As you plan for your baby, you probably are in need of a dental checkup and if you are like any other new moms, you are wondering if it is even safe for you to come into our Reno office while you are pregnant. The short and simple answer is yes. Pregnancy and dental care go hand in hand and you do not have to worry about any harm to your baby while you are here in our office.

Dental checkups will help you have a healthy pregnancy and they can prevent any infections and problems with your gums and teeth from arising. If you do not have a healthy mouth, you may set your child up for poor oral care too, especially as infections can travel throughout your body.

At Access Dental Care, we care about you and we care about your teeth and gums. Dr. Song will work alongside of you to ensure that you receive all of the procedures and checkups you need before your baby arrives in this world.

If you were worried about dental care and your pregnancy, we want to share with you that the American Dental Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have confirmed that dental care is essential throughout pregnancy.

Below, Dr. Song wants you to take some time to read over some answered concerns that we have heard here in our Reno office before. Your pregnancy is a special time and you do not want to spend more time in the dental office than you have to.

Common Dental Concerns in Pregnancy

tartarAt Access Dental Care, we have seen many pregnant women in our office and when they come in here for the first time, they are often scared and worried about their baby’s health and their health. There is some pregnancy related oral complications that may arise and it is important for you to know about them, so you can alert us when you experience them.

1. Tooth Decay
Did you know that tooth decay becomes much more prevalent when you are pregnant? If you are wondering why, the answer does make sense. Your baby requires a lot of nutrition and vitamins to grow properly and your baby’s nutrition comes from you. This means that your body is depleted of vitamins such as iron, calcium, etc. If you do not replace these nutrients, then your teeth will suffer and you may notice that you develop a cavity or two.
2. Pregnancy Gingivitis
Pregnancy gingivitis is essentially gingivitis, but during a time when you are pregnant. The reason it develops is because, just like tooth decay, you are missing a bunch of vitamins and minerals. If you do develop gingivitis, you will know because your gums will become sensitive and they may bleed.
3. Pregnancy Tumors
Pregnancy tumors do exist and they sound a lot scarier than they are. In fact, these tumors are NOT cancerous, but they are painful. In fact, these tumors are swollen flesh on your gums and usually appear in your second trimester of pregnancy. You will notice that these tumors bleed when you touch them too. If you experience any of them, it is important that you contact us.

Can I Receive Local Anesthetics While Pregnant?

Yes. Access Dental Care takes your health and the health of your baby seriously. We want you to know that it is okay for you to receive local anesthetics and they have not been proven to be harmful when you are pregnant. We will work with you and your primary care physician to make sure that you can receive a local anesthetic. It is important for you to provide us with a list of medications that you already take.

Are X-Rays Safe for Me during Pregnancy?

Yes. X-rays have been cleared and are safe for use during pregnancy. This is a wonderful thing because if you have an emergency or you need to have x-rays taken, they can be without the worry of harm to your baby. When you come into Access Dental Care for your appointment, if x-rays are needed, we WILL cover you with a leaded apron to provide additional protection to your baby.

When Do I Need to Let You Know That I’m Pregnant?

We recommend that you let us know you are pregnant as soon as you can. If you do know you are pregnant, we recommend that you tell us how far along you are. In addition, if you think you are pregnant, but it is not confirmed yet, please let us know, so that we can take the extra precautions needed.

If you are considered to be a high-risk pregnancy, we will work closely with you to make sure that you do not receive any treatments that may place you or your baby at risk.

Schedule an Appointment with Us Today

If you are pregnant and in need of dental care, the team at Access Dental Care wants to hear from you. We are equipped and ready to handle ALL pregnancy-related dental checkups.

Dr. Song is ready to see you here in our Reno office. Call now to schedule an appointment with us.