Dental Emergencies: How to Prepare for Them


Have you ever experienced a dental emergency? If you have, you know how scary it can be, but if you have not, consider yourself quite lucky. A dental emergency can make you anxious and you may not know what to do, especially if you have a tooth knocked out or you break your jaw. These are scary situations and it is important that you try to remain calm and get in touch with your local Reno dentist.

Many of the dental emergencies that we see here at Access Dental Care are minor and often related to sports injuries. Other common emergencies include trauma to the mouth and also severe dental decay. If you think that you may have a dental emergency, it is imperative that you contact Access Dental Care now.

Tips to Help You Handle Dental Emergencies

ydrgqoz-imgur-2If you are scared during a dental emergency, we understand and it is okay to be. But, you must be able to administer basic care to yourself at the same time. Below, we will go over some tips to help you if you run into any of the common dental emergencies.

1. If you have knocked out a permanent tooth, you should locate the tooth and recover it as quickly as possible. You do not want to touch the roots of the tooth, as this may cause them to die. You should place the tooth back into the socket, but if this is not possible, you should place the tooth under your tongue or in a glass of milk until you arrive in our office.

2. If you find that you have a toothache, do not try to move the tooth or pick at it. You can floss the area to see if food may be stuck and causing the pain. If not, rinse your mouth out with warm water and then call our office.

3. If you happen to bite your tongue, cheek, or lip, you need to clean the area with some warm water. Once done, place gauze and pressure on the cut until it stops bleeding. You can take an over the counter pain medication and place a cold compress on the area to alleviate swelling.

4. If you have a cracked, chipped, or fractured tooth, you should take some time to rinse your mouth out with warm water and then place a cold compress on the area.

5. If you find that there is something stuck in your mouth or between your teeth, try to remove it with floss first. Do NOT try to use any sharp objects. If you cannot dislodge whatever is stuck, contact our office right away.

If you think that you are experiencing a dental emergency or you have a question or two about your dental health, contact Access Dental Care now.

Avoiding Injuries to Your Teeth Is Easy

Often, dental emergencies occur without any type of warning, but sometimes there are way to prevent their occurrence. These tips will help you avoid injuries to your teeth:

AVOID chewing on hard objects and food such as candy, caramel, pencils, ice, and similar items

NEVER use your teeth to open objects that can be opened with scissors

ALWAYS use a mouth guard when you engage in sports or recreational activities

Dr. Song believes that you should receive immediate care when you have an emergency and that is why we offer SAME day emergency appointments. We are here to meet your needs and provide you with the care you need.

Situations and How to Handle Them

fixed_brace_attractive_girlWe think that it helps to have an idea of how to handle certain situations as they arise. Below, we will go over some scenarios and provide you with some tips on how to handle them.

What if my child’s braces fall off or break?

If your child’s braces fall off or break, do NOT try to move them and do NOT pull them off. Both of these actions can cause more damage. You should call our office right away and let us know what happened. Do watch your child closely as broken braces can be quite sharp and may cut his or her mouth.

How can I alleviate tooth pain?

If you have tooth pain, you should try to brush and floss your teeth to see if there is something stuck in them. If this does not work, you can take an over the counter pain medication and apply a cold compress to the area to alleviate some of the swelling.

I think my jaw is broken. What do I do?

First and foremost, this is an emergency that needs immediate attention. If our office is not open, head to your local emergency room to be seen right away. You should NOT try to move your jaw or talk. It is imperative that you avoid doing anything that will alter the jaw, as this will cause more pain. You should apply a cold compress to the area immediately to prevent swelling.

My child lost his permanent tooth. It was knocked out – what do I do?

You should recover your child’s tooth and avoid touching the roots of the tooth. You should place the tooth back into the socket when possible. If it is not possible, place your child’s tooth in a glass of milk and call our office immediately to be scene.

When Do I Need to Let You Know That I’m Pregnant?

We recommend that you let us know you are pregnant as soon as you can. If you do know you are pregnant, we recommend that you tell us how far along you are. In addition, if you think you are pregnant, but it is not confirmed yet, please let us know, so that we can take the extra precautions needed.

If you are considered to be a high-risk pregnancy, we will work closely with you to make sure that you do not receive any treatments that may place you or your baby at risk.

Contact Access Dental Care Now for a Reno Appointment

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact our office now to schedule an appointment with your local Reno dentist. Dr. Song is here to help you and wants to provide you with the care you need. If our office is not open, we recommend that you head into your local emergency room to receive immediate treatment.

Dr. Song is properly prepared to handle all of your emergency needs. Our office has the best equipment and the latest technology to ensure a smooth procedure and quality care. Call our office now to schedule an appointment for dental care.