6 Ways to Get Beautifully White Teeth Naturally


Access Dental Care in Reno wants to know how comfortable you are with your teeth? Do you wish they were whiter and brighter? Do you happen to hide your teeth in social setting or in photos? If you do, you are not alone. In fact, almost 20 percent of all people hide their teeth from the view of others, especially in pictures!

Stains and yellowing on teeth occur for a number of different reasons, but the most common is because of food and drinks. Things such as smoking, coffee, wine, and acidic foods can easily cause stains on your teeth and the longer they sit, the more they set in and become part of your smile.

One of the very first things that someone will notice about you is your teeth, which means if they are not white, you may not make a good impression. While it may not be the case, many people assume someone with stains on their teeth do not brush well or do not care about their appearance. This can have a negative effect on you.

Do you want to be able to smile boldly in Reno, NV? Do you want to be able to show off your teeth? Below, we will go over 6 different ways that you can quickly whiten your teeth naturally.

Whiten Your Teeth with These 6 Natural Methods

Strawberry1. Strawberries for Whitening

Did you know that some people swear by strawberries for teeth whitening? While you probably eat them and enjoy them on a regular basis, why not try them to whiten your teeth? Simply take four or five good size strawberries and mash them up. Apply them to your teeth and allow them to sit there for a few minutes. Rinse well and repeat every day.

Catherine Zeta Jones and Tyra Banks both say it works for them, so why wouldn’t it work for you?

Brush2. Brush After All Meals

The easiest way to make sure that your teeth stay white, is to brush your teeth after every meal and after any refreshments that you have. This takes a lot of discipline and you need to make sure you have a travel toothbrush and toothpaste on hand.

You should brush after every drink and meal especially if you consume foods that are acidic or foods that do stain your teeth. Of course, there will be times that you miss a day or two, but do not panic. At Access Dental Care in Reno, we often recommend that those people who smoke or drink coffee, etc., come in every three months for a dental cleaning instead of twice per year.

Vinegar3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many benefits and it can aid in the healing of numerous conditions. ACV has been proven to whiten teeth when used regularly for a month’s time or longer.

It is important to be careful with ACV as it is acidic and can wear down the enamel on your teeth. You need to make sure that you follow a careful regimen when using it as a tooth whitening aid.

To use, you should place some on your toothbrush, brush your teeth and then follow up with a brush with regular toothpaste and a thorough rinse.

Citrus4. Citrus Peels

Citrus peels, such as lemon and orange, are one way that you can whiten your teeth. While it has not been proven to work, many people do swear by it and there is no harm in trying. It is important though that you do not place the lemon or orange peels on your teeth for too long as they may cause your enamel to wear down.

If you do not want to apply the peels directly to your teeth, you can make a mouth solution out of the peels and some water and then swish it around in your mouth.

Coconut-Oil5. Coconut Oil

It has been said that coconut oil works great for whitening teeth. Coconut oil is used for many different applications from cooking to cleaning and more. To use this method, you should scoop a spoonful of coconut oil and then swish it around within your mouth for 5 minutes, but no more than 20 minutes.

If you do not want to swish the coconut oil around, you can add some to your toothbrush and brush with it or even apply some to a cloth and rub it onto your teeth.

Coconut oil offers many benefits to you and works as an antimicrobial, which means it will aid in the health of your teeth and gums.

Soda6. Peroxide and Baking Soda

Baking soda and peroxide is one of the best natural teeth whiteners around. In fact, many people rely on it to help them get the white teeth they desire. To use on your teeth, you should mix a small, but equal amount of peroxide and baking soda together and mix well until it forms a paste.

Once the paste is formed, apply it to your toothbrush and then brush your teeth, making sure to focus on the ones that are the most stained.

When you do use peroxide and baking soda, make sure that you mix the paste well and that it is not gritty. Baking soda can be gritty and when it is, it can easily be too abrasive on your teeth and cause the enamel to come off. You want to avoid this, so make sure you mix your paste well. If you need to, add a tad more peroxide to the mixture.

One a side note, peroxide is a great antibacterial, which will help to get rid of bad breath and germs inside of your mouth. If you would like to make your own toothpaste, check out this recipe for success here.

Don’t Lose Your Enamel!

Did you know that some whitening agents can cause you to lose the enamel on your teeth? We briefly mentioned it above, but it is true. Acidic whitening options such as orange, lemon, and ACV can remove the enamel on your teeth and leave you with teeth that are sensitive.

It is important that you use all of the above options and any whitening agents as carefully as possible. Once the enamel has been removed from your teeth, it cannot be re-added and you may find that cavities occur quickly.

If you have a question about any of the above natural tooth whitening methods, please contact Access Dental Care in Reno today.

Will Whitening Harm Any of My Teeth?

It can. Of course, you want to make sure that you use all whitening agents as carefully as possible. Naturally whitening your teeth is the best method, but if you choose to use special whitening strips or gel, you need to be even more careful.

Our dentist wants to warn you that whitening strips and bleaches can cause harm to your teeth when used too much. In fact, you can over bleach and this will strip the enamel from your teeth and leave you with translucent or even blueish gray teeth.

Research has shown that over the counter whitening agents can be harmful, so you must make sure that you are careful with them. The first sign of a problem will be tooth sensitivity and it is important that you stop using the products immediately.

While we would never say that you shouldn’t use these products, you can, but in moderation. At Access Dental Care in Reno, we want to remind you that you need to brush and floss your teeth daily.

If you are interested in learning more about teeth whitening options in Reno, NV, contact Access Dental Care today to schedule an appointment.